Misura Protein Cracker with Soy (400g) Halal Certified


Misura was established in 1974 and proudly stands as an Italian brand leader in innovation and a pioneer in the realm of nutritional well-being. Offering a wide range of healthy biscuits that are both nutritious and indulgent, catering to discerning palates seeking the perfect balance of taste and wellness.


Halal Status

Halal Certified

Specialty Diet

High in Protein, Suitable for Vegetarians & Vegans

  • Rich in Plant-based Protein (15g per 100g) from soy and wheat
  • Support muscle mass growth and maintenance
  • No artificial colours and flavours
  • Suitable for vegetarians and vegans
  • Each pack contains 12 portions of controlled pack (per portion 5g of protein)


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