How to Use Green Tea for Weight Loss

Can you guess what the second healthiest beverage to drink is (right after water)?

If you guessed green tea, you’d be correct! By now, you’ve probably heard of the generous health benefits of drinking green tea. Green tea has been found to have tons of antioxidants, nutrients, improve cognitive abilities, fight off cancer, increase your metabolism and even help you lose weight.

With all these amazing benefits to green tea, did the weight loss appeal to you the most? If that’s the case, keep reading!

While we distribute many different kinds of food and drinks, green tea is one of our most popular items. We’ve put together some tips and tricks on how to use green tea for weight loss.

Check it out!

Start in the Morning

Are you an avid coffee drinker?

If you’re interested in green tea’s weight loss ability you might want to consider swapping out your cup of jo for a cup of hot green tea.

Drinking hot green tea two to three times a day, especially in the morning, have been shown to increase your metabolism and speed up your weight loss. This increase is due to the caffeine and catechins (an antioxidant that fights disease) in green tea. This is also a healthier alternative to copious amounts of coffee.

When You Work Out

When you workout, do you pre-game with pre-workout for an extra kick? Try switching out your pre-workout drink for green tea.

There have been several studies that show that drinking green tea directly affect your fat burning rates during a workout. This healthier alternative to pre-workout will still give you that energy boost to work harder and burn more at the gym.

A lot of athletes use some form of green tea to boost their energy, improve their performance and endurance.

When You’re Not Working Out

The great thing about green tea is that with the combination of catechins and caffeine, you don’t have to be constantly working out to see the benefit.

If you have a slower metabolism, drinking green tea can give your metabolism the swift kick that it needs!

The caffeine in green tea increases thermogenesis (aka heat production) and the catechins are a catalyst to fat oxidization. So if you drink green tea 2-4 times a day, there’s a good chance you’ll see results within a few weeks.

Making It the Right Way

If your soul purpose in drinking is weight loss, you might opt for Matcha tea. All green tea isn’t made the same and can vary in health-properties. Matcha tea is the richest green tea because of its nutrient and antioxidant levels.

When your goal is to experience weight loss while drinking green tea, you’ll need to take extra precautions when preparing it.

Boiling water can actually reduce and weaken the catechins. After your water has reached a boiling point, let it sit and simmer for ten minutes. Only allow your tea to steep for a minute before removing the tea leaves.

How to Use Green Tea For Weight Loss

There you have it!

All our tips and tricks on how to use green tea for weight loss. So if you’ve been struggling to shed the pounds, try drinking more green tea and let us know your results!

We’d love to hear your story and how drinking green tea on a regular basis affected your weight-loss journey.